(issued April 1999)
ROLLON MOUCHEL-BLAISOT, A Tribute to the French Film Festival: Cannes Film Festival Fiftieth Anniversary Retrospective.
In 1997, to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the Cannes Film Festival, twelve outstanding French films were showcased at the festival and these were subsequently made available to the Alliance Française of Adelaide, who organised a Retrospective at the Mercury Cinema Adelaide in June 1998. The text of the opening speech (A Tribute to the French Film Festival), by the Consul General for France, Rollon Michel-Blaisot, is available here.
Keywords: Rollon Mouchel-Blaisot, Cannes Film Festival 50th Anniversary, Retrospective, Mercury Cinema Adelaide.
C.B. THORNTON-SMITH, The Delamotte Phenomenon — Cultural Reciprocity
The story of Monique and Jean-Paul Delamotte, who established the Association Culturelle Franco-Australienne (ACFA) and the related Atelier Littéraire Franco-Australien (ALFA), with its publishing house Éditions La Petite Maison. The author pays tribute to the invaluable work they have done in promoting Australian writing in France.
Keywords: C.B. Thornton-Smith, Jean-Paul Delamotte, Association Culturelle Franco-Australienne (ACFA), Atelier Littéraire Franco-Australien (ALFA), Éditions La Petite Maison.
JEAN-PAUL DELAMOTTE, Reciprocity — for John Rowland, In Memoriam, The Inaugural Kelver Hartley Fellowship Address by Dr Jean-Paul Delamotte AM
A summary of two speeches made by Jean-Paul Delamotte in Newcastle and Sydney in 1997 when he was the Inaugural Kelver Hartley Fellow. The speaker pays tribute to the ‘French-Australian Cultural Connection’ and the many examples of reciprocity Delamotte found when he lived in Australia during the mid-seventies and reflects upon the work of French/Australian grazier and writer, Paul Wenz.
Keywords: Jean-Paul Delamotte, reciprocity, Newcastle University, Kelver Hartley, Ken Dutton, Paul Wenz, John Rowland.
Jean-Paul Delamotte, Un dimanche a Melbourne. Conte franco-australien reviewed by Patricia Clancy