EDWARD DUYKER, A Distant Thunder: Napoleon, Australia and the National Library
Edward Duyker relates the rise of Napoleon and its effects upon Australia; for example, the Peace of Amiens meant the French in Mauritius were given permission to explore trade with Australia and Nicolas Baudin was able to visit Port Jackson in safety. French attention to the region precipitated the British settlement of Van Diemen’s Land (Tasmania). The life and death of Napoleon are well represented in the National Library of Australia—the author lists some of the most important items.
Keywords: Peace of Amiens, Port Jackson, Nicolas Baudin, Van Diemen’s land, National Library of Australia.
DANIEL DULDIG, The Australian Napoleonic Society
The text of Daniel Duldig’s talk given to the Annual General Meeting of the Australian Napoleonic Society, 15 November 1999.
Keywords: Daniel Duldig, Australian Napoleonic Society.
COLIN THORNTON-SMITH, Two Napoleonic Collections: 11-16
Colin Thornton-Smith reviews the exhibition of the Pierre-Jean Chalençon Collection (Treasures of the Emperor and Imperial France) and the Mabel Brookes Napoleonic Collection. He finds the Chalençon exhibition notable for its presentation of both the Imperial Napoleon and Napoleon the man, from birth to death. The Mabel Brookes Collection focuses more upon the St Helena years and began at St Helena where William Balcombe, the great-grandfather of Dame Mabel Brookes, was the Naval Agent for the British Fleet and Purveyor for the East India Company. This collection and the 1840’s homestead of the Balcombe family (The Briars) continue to be open to the public. (
Keywords: Pierre-Jean Chalençon Collection, Mabel Brookes Napoleonic Collection, William Balcombe, The Briars
COLIN THORNTON-SMITH, Napoleonic Toponymy in Australia 17-19
Colin Thornton-Smith describes Napoleonic place names attributed by Baudin, Peron or Louis de Freycinet to various geographical features in Australia. His source is Frank Horner’s The French Reconnaissance: Baudin in Australia 1801-1803, Melbourne, Melbourne University Press, 1987 (reviewed by Dr Edward Duyker in Explorations No. 6, September 1998).
Keywords: Colin Thornton-Smith, Napoleonic toponymy in Australia, Baudin, Peron, Louis de Freycinet, Frank Horner, The French Reconnaissance: Baudin in Australia 1801-1803
Susan Hunt and Paul Carter, Terre Napoléon: Australia Through French Eyes 1800-1804, reviewed by Edward Duyker
Jill Duchess of Hamilton Napoleon, the Empress & the Artist: The Story of Napoleon, Josephine’s Garden at Malmaison, Redouté & the Australian Plants, reviewed by Edward Duyker
Short article on Literary Prizes won by Pierre Ryckmans and Patricia Clancy for the translation of Ryckman’s novel The Death of Napoleon (London: Quartet books; published in Australia by Allen & Unwin) and for Patricia Clancy’s translation of Jean-Paul Kauffmann’s La chambre noire de Longwood (Paris: La Table Ronde, 1997) as The Dark Room at Longwood: Napoleon’s Exile on Saint Helena (London: Harvill Press, 1999).
Keywords: Pierre Ryckmans, Patricia Clancy, The Death of Napoleon, La chambre noire de Longwood, translation awards
APPENDIX — Holdings in Napoleoniana at the State Library of Victoria p 31-48
A list of books and microfilms to do with the life and times of Napoleon I and his immediate family This list does not include imaginative works of which he is the subject. (Follows the order of the Dewey Decimal Classification.)