(issued October 2005)
IVAN BARKO, Foreword
EDWARD DUYKER, A French Garden in Tasmania: the Legacy of Felix Delahaye (1767-1829)
This special issue of Explorations is devoted to the debate around the recent discovery of what is believed
to be the vestiges of the garden planted in Recherche Bay, Tasmania, in 1792 by Felix Delahaye, the gardener of the d’Entrecasteaux expedition. This article is the backbone of the issue. It focuses on Felix Delahaye, the gardener, his role in the expedition and his relationship with the botanist Labillardiere, to whom Dr Duyker has recently devoted a major biographical study.
Keywords: Felix Delahaye, d’Entrecasteaux expedition, Recherche Bay, Botany, Labillardiere
EDWARD DUYKER, Introductory Comments…
This text provides information about the proposal to log parts of Recherche Bay in Tasmania, and the 2003
discovery of the presumed site of a garden planted during the first visit of d’Entrecasteaux’s expedition in 1792 and Delahaye’s account of the trip.
Keywords: Logging, Felix Delahaye, d’Entrecasteaux expedition, Recherche Bay, botany.
MARYSE DUYKER, Transcription du journal de Félix Delahaye en Terre de Van Diemen (Tasmanie) 1792 et l793
MARYSE DUYKER, Translation of Félix Delahaye’s 1792 and 1793 Journals in Van Diemen’s Land (Tasmania)