Explorations – No 39 Dec 2005
(issued June 2006) IVAN BARKO, Foreword KENNETH R. DUTTON, A Colonial Entrepreneur: François Girard (1792?-1859) Kenneth Dutton’s substantial paper is devoted to the life of François Girard, an early French settler and successful businessman in New South Wales. His activities centered on Sydney and the Northern Rivers. As was the case with so many of […]
Explorations – No 37 Dec 2004
(issued October 2005) IVAN BARKO, Foreword EDWARD DUYKER, A French Garden in Tasmania: the Legacy of Felix Delahaye (1767-1829) This special issue of Explorations is devoted to the debate around the recent discovery of what is believed to be the vestiges of the garden planted in Recherche Bay, Tasmania, in 1792 by Felix Delahaye, the […]